Matthew Lieberman is the CMO PWC USA and innovative managers at Scheideweg Marketing, Media and Technology.
As a marketer, we know what buyers want: incredibly appealing content that is only adapted for them and continuously updated.
Sounds easy, isn't it? In reality, it was always a challenge to be a challenge – on a scale and without exploding costs. But with AI it is not only possible, but also practical. However, building a AI-driven “content of the content” is more than just the introduction of AI tools. It requires a clear vision, strategic restructuring, new skills and well thought -out change management.
In my company we are all on the AI in our walls and for our customers. Since the marketing world involves important events such as the Adobe Summit in March, I have put together some findings on our experience with AI and marketing content. Here are my top 5:
1. The old paths no longer work.
Marketing leaders know that they should change their growth and business – and AI is a large part of the answer. In the pulse survey of PWC 2024 in October 2024, 93% of the reacted CMOS announced that the positioning of marketing as a growth driver in their company was a challenge. In addition, 78% agreed that their current business model must change fundamentally, and the same proportion stated that they would use Genai to make changes to their business model. It is part of the accelerating trend to currently find more and more concrete value of AI.
For marketers, the main message is to deliver growth, keep the costs low and to show that they get a value from AI.
2. Make it hyper-personalized and reusable.
The value of AI in the creation of content (and marketing in general) comes from working with intelligent human-Ai. That's how it can look. This is what it looks like in practice: Your qualified creative creative ideas and research, with AI being used as a thought partner to determine insights and explore angles. You could even use AI to design a first version, which the team then refines into original, high -quality thoughts or other convincing content.
As soon as the content is completed, the AI takes on a supportive role in reuse. It divides the text into modular components – head lines, summaries, key quotes, statistics and action points – to end marketers to dynamically adapt. A CFO in a technology company may see a different heading, a data point and an important snack than a CIO in healthcare. A social media contribution to recruiting talents will offer a completely different mix. AI not only assembles these variations, but also helps to optimize them, but also several versions for A/B tests, analysis of commitment and refinerating expenses to achieve better results.
People take the lead every step of the way, but Ki helps them to cleverly personalize it and use it on a scale. It can feel more exciting for your customers because it was really only made for them.
3. Keep your voice, manage your risks and have everything organized.
No matter how much you use AI, you still have to keep what you define: your branded voice. If you have formal brand guidelines, teach them to AI and keep them at the front and at the center of your team. If you have no brand guidelines, create it now. Also connect to your risk and compliance teams. Develop a review process for AI-reinforced content in which people always blame the most important decisions.
How do you keep the massive amount of new, personalized content in the eye that you will create? Standard it and put everything in the same place: a digital asset manager to share, edit, follow, check and distribute approved content. All of these new standards and tools can help to ensure consistency and quality and at the same time alleviate the risk and increase speed.
4. You may have to market marketing to marketers.
AI can change the job of everyone. That can feel scary. Marketers are among the most future -oriented experts, but it is human nature to do things in the old way as long as possible. And AI moves quickly. If you and your team do not learn quickly, they will be left behind.
To manage this change, you have to create more than just new workflows and offer new skills. Identify the new roles that people will fulfill in the age of AI so that they do not fear that AI will displace them. Leave people excited and show how AI can improve your value and working day. In short, you have to market the new marketing methods to your marketers.
However, this transition does not have to be intimidating – it can be appealing and even fun. From AI hackathons to interactive “prompt parties” and creative incentives, there are many ways to feel adoption more as a discovery than a disturbance.
5. People are more important than ever.
There is currently a big “first-mover advantage” for AI, but soon it may only be part of everything that every company is doing. At this point you will be distinguished two things: how well you organize yourself to use AI and how strategically and creatively your employees are. Everyone can say a chat bot that they “create” content or a marketing strategy, but without people to do the real thinking and the implementation of supervision, it will not be good.
Ki helps to operate your content supply chain, but people should guide people by creating original content and determining a strategy for the mix, agreement and provision of them. Even if AI does a large part of the work, marketing success still depends on marketing talents. Make sure your people know this and then give them the AI-based tools and workflows that can multiply their value.
Last thoughts
AI-controlled marketing is not an abbreviation-is a strategic shift. By integrating AI into a well-structured supply chain in content, brands can help to achieve hyperpersonalization on a scale and at the same time maintain consistency and quality. However, the true distinction feature remains the human creativity and spark, which transforms the insight into the with A-generated, in appealing, emotionally resonant content that can have real business effects.
Forbes Technology Council is a community only for invitations for first-class CIOs, CTOS and technology managers. I qualify myself