Section 00 10 00 Notice to Contractors Notice is Hereby that the county of kings (“County”) Will Receive Sealed Bids From Contractors Licensed in Accordance with the Public Contract Code for the Furlabor, Materials, Equipment, Transportation, and Services For the performance of the Following Work: RFB: 2025-19-Avenal Cutoff SB-1 Roadway Improvements Phase II in Accordance with the Plans and Specifications thereof on File in the Office of the Department of Public Works, County of Kings, 1400 W. Lace Blvd., Hanford, California. The work scope of the work to be done generally have the complete depth (FDR) with cement and new asphalt concrete (AC) for the Avenal Cutoff Road in Kings County between the State Route (SR) 198 and the California Aquaduct. In addition, the asphalt concrete covering project at intersections and new asphalt rides. For more information, see plans. Available plans and specifications available: plans and specifications and disadvantages for the work can be obtained on the Kings County website at Sealed offers: bid location: sealed offers for the project above are at the County of the County of County in 640 N. Campus Drive, Building 24, Hanford, California, 93230. Bid Date/Time: On or before 4:00 p.m., local time on March 26, 2025. Commandments may only be submitted on the forms provided. Information request or clarifications: Questions: Applicants are responsible for sending all questions about the work specified in the project documents. Questions must be presented in writing by e -mail to Mitchel Cabrera at before 4:00 p.m., local time, on March 19, 2025. Questions that are received after the deadline are not answered. Bond of the bidder: Offers must be accompanied by the bidder approved by the district or a certified or cashier check for at least 10 percent of the embassy and paying information to the district of Kings in the state of California. The bond of the bidder or the certified or the checker's check is falsified if the successful bidder refuses or neglected to conclude a contract after he has been requested by the district. This bond is obtained by an approved guarantee company that is satisfactory for the district. The required license of the contractor: The district will not take or accept offers from contractors who are not approved for business in the state of California and have an ongoing license of a class A commitment. If the license classification given above is one of the “special company” defined in section 7058 of the business and professional code, the special contractor himself creates a majority of the work in accordance with the provisions of the business and professional code. Subcontractor's List: Each Bid Files Shall Set Forth: The Work to Be Performed and The Location of Business of Each Subcontractor Who Will Perform Work or Render Services to the General Contractor in Or About The Construction Of The Work Or Impovement By the state of California who, under Contract with the General Contractor, Specifically Fabricates and Installs A Portion of the Work or Improvement According According Contained in the Plaannss -Dpecciifungs in the amount of more than 1 percent of the entire contract of the general contractor; and the part of the work that every subcontractor takes place in accordance with section 4104 of the public contract code; All offers are submitted under the conditions, conditions and penalties of sections 4100 to 4113, including the public contract code. Bonds and insurance companies are required: Performance and maintenance bonds (s) – At the time the contract is executed, the successful bidder must be an acceptable service bond in the amount of the contract price as a security for the loyal service of the contract for the construction of the work and to cover all guarantees against the defective work or both material that are in the district periods after the date of the end of the district. Payment bond – The successful bidder is submitted at the time the contract is executed at the County, a payment bond that is acceptable for the district in the amount of the contract price, as security for the payment of all people who provide workers and materials for the construction of the work. Form of bonds – The bonds are submitted in the bond forms contained in these contract documents or must comply with considerably. The compliance is only assessed by the county of Kings. All necessary bonds, whether offer, performance, payment or maintenance, are issued by an approved guarantee insurer. The offer bond and the payment bond must be issued by the same guarantee insurer. The bonds required by these specifications are neither accepted nor approved by the district, unless the bonds are signed by an approved guarantee, the requirements of the Californian civil process code § 995.630 (a) and (b) are fulfilled, and the binding is accompanied by the district certificate of the district, which are provided in the civil procedure. The reason for the country that is available in the acceptance of the district bills will be given. Association and the shape of every bond. Together with the bonds, the bidder has to submit the following documents: the original or certified copy of the non -revocated appointment, the authority of lawyers, statutes or other instruments that the person who has provided the bond to carry out the bond was equipped by the Californian insurance officer. Revocated, canceled, canceled or suspended or if it has Thaatt Rreenweduhoity. A financial statement by the assets and the liabilities of the insurer until the end of the quarter calendar. Year before 30 days ago the date of execution of the bond of the bond in the form of an officer certificate, which was defined in Department 173 of the California California Corporation code. If it is determined that the guarantee insurer is not an approved guarantee insurer, it is determined that the offer is not available and is rejected. If the assets of the guarantee insurer does not exceed its liabilities in an amount that goes beyond or beyond or beyond the amount of the bond assets in Section 12090 of the California Insurance Act or if the bidder does not provide the specified documents, the offer can be classified as not reacting and can be rejected. Lawyer authority who executes this bond on behalf of the guarantee must teach a notarized copy of his or her authority as evidence of his authority to bind the guarantee to the date of execution of the bond. The successful bidder must submit certificates from which it shows that he or she can withstand adequate compensation insurance as well as for public liability and property damage insurance in which the district is listed as additional insured persons. Substitution of securities: Bidders are hereby noted that the successful bidder securities for all funds that can be held back by the district of Kings in order to be able to retain the performance of the contract in accordance with public contracts. The schedule for the Pvaling wage rate published by the director of industrial education education was determined by Pro Diem wages, regardless of a contractual relationship that can allegedly exist between the contractor or a subcontractor and such workers and mechanics. Every worker or mechanic who do work. The wages given here for the classification, which almost corresponds to the work he performed. The above wage rate is only minimum prices, and the contractor can pay a wage rate over the applicable price, as included in this contract. Thee Prrvaaiiilngee from the Department of Industrial Relations for such work or craft in which the employee is employed. The difference between the prevailing wage rates and the amount paid to Eaacch Lenddaearry, for which the employee was paid less than the prevailing wage rate, is paid to each employee. Note: An error on the part of a price -line authority does not relieve the contractor from the responsibility for the payment of the prevailing interest rate from Pro Diem wages or the liability for punishments in accordance with the sections of the Labor Code 1770, SELQ. or all parts of this section are not applicable to the scope in which the contractor is expressly excluded from the requirements. In the event that the contractor is excluded, contractors issue the statutory authority for the claimed exemption. Registration of the department for industrial education education No contractor or subcontractor can be listed in an offer proposal for a project for public work (submitted on or after March 1, 2015), unless no contractor or subbcoonttraaaa mye WRDD a contract for public work (forgiven on or after April 1, 2015), unless this project is subject to compliance overview and enforcement of the department for industrial education education. Miscellaneous: The county of Kings reserves the right to reject all commandments or to do without the informality. If this contract is awarded, the allocation of the award is issued within sixty (60) days after the Thebiid Opnng to the lowest responsible bidder. If something else is necessary, no bidder may withdraw its offer for a period of 60 days after the date on which the Board Awards offer is equipped with the lowest responsible bidder. The BID bond is returned 60 days from the time of the award. After ordering the King County Board of Supervisors, Hanford, California. Publication: March 1, 2025 Advertisement# 445065
Section 00 10 00 Kanke to contractor Communication is hereby | given | Legal announcements