- Published the first completely CSRD-compliant annual report in the industry, strengthening transparency and accountability.
- Achieved significant emission reductions in insurance portfolios, investments and operations.
- Increased sustainable investments and income, accelerating customer transitions into sustainable practices.
In the 2024 financial year, Allianz showed considerable progress in his climate councilor and positioned itself as a benchmark for sustainability reporting and business resistance.
The publication of the first completely CSRD-compliant annual report of the insurance industry, which is secure by adequate examination, underlines the commitment of Allianz for transparency, comparability and accountability in sustainability.
Günther Thalinger, member of the Board of Directors at Allianz SEnoted:
“Our environment is characterized by a wide range of challenges – loss of value due to inflation, sluggish economic development and sustainability agents, which are critically checked in some sectors and countries. At Allianz we remain steadfast in our views and our ambitions. We have made concrete progress in our intermediate 2030 goals, contributed to Allianz 'P&C growth and investment performance, supported the municipalities and worked together as a uniform force to bring different stakeholders together in order to examine ways to convert today's challenges into opportunities. We are convinced that together we will create a more resistant future for all of us.“”

Environmental influences drift resilience
Allianz achieved meaningful emission reductions of greenhouse gas (THG):
- The emissions of motor trade insurance have lowered 6.8%since 2022.
- The emissions of the commercial insurance portfolio have dropped by 11.7%since 2022.
- Proprietary investment emissions by 50.7% compared to 2019.
- The operational emissions per employee were reduced by 61.5%compared to 2019.
These reductions strengthen alliance's resilience and long-term value creation skills.
Related articles: Allianz Trade starts Sirety Green2green for project financing with low -carbon projects
Support the customer's sustainability transitions
Allianz increased significantly sustainable solutions and drives customer transitions:
- Sustainable investments rose by EUR 4.5 billion to EUR 171.9 billion.
- Real estate & Casualty (P&C) Sustainable solutions reached 4.9 billion euros, an increase of € 1.9 billion compared to the previous year.
A remarkable innovation, Allianz Trade's Surety Green2green, offers guarantees for sustainable projects and invest bonds in green bonds to support continuous support for sustainable development.
Positive effects on the community and employees
Allianz is still committed to the development of employees and the support of the community:
- Increased average learning lessons per employee to 60.1, compared to 10.1 hours compared to 2023.
- Contributed EUR 33.3 million to joint and non-profit efforts, which supports disaster relief and non-profit initiatives.
Emilia Macarie, Chief Sustainability Officer at Allianz SEemphasized:
“2024 was a challenging year in which severe natural disasters made the third largest year for insurers worldwide the third largest year. However, less than 50% of these losses were insured, which emphasized that the effects beyond us, insurers go out – it affects companies, individuals and society as a whole. In addition to the physical risks, transition risks also grow. Despite these challenges, we have integrated the course on our sustainability obligations, integrated them into our business and demonstrates the resilience, as reflected in our results. With a view to the future, we continue to focus on delivering our strategy, promoting credible progress and protecting and expanding our customers' assets through innovative solutions and adaptation measures. At the same time, we continue to support our employees and create value for our shareholders.“

Look ahead
Allianz is still obliged to expand sustainable offers, to strengthen the resilience and to improve the value for stakeholders and to set clear goals for a sustainable and resistant future by 2030 and beyond.
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