Authorization of the sustainability of the data center

Authorization of the sustainability of the data center

Liquid cooling, universities of the workforce and the cooperation of the industry will be essential

There has never been a better time to be in Great Britain in the data center business. The data centers are fueled by the ambitious AI Opportunity Action Plan of the nation and are now positioned as important “engines of the AI ​​age”. This recognition, which underlined Great Britain in large data centers and technology hubs and the designation of data centers as part of the critical national infrastructure by the 14-mill pound investment of the government ($ 18 billion) in large britain, underlines its growing necessity in the way an AI-powered society.

Despite the advantages of widespread AI introduction, the growth of the AI ​​infrastructure is still the concerns about the environmental impact. For example, the analysts predict by 2028 that AI will make up 19 percent of the service requirements of data centers, which escalates the need for resources such as energy and water, whereby the energy consumption of data centers is doubled by 2026.

Studies for comparison of chatt and Google search further illustrate the energy requirements of KI. While a single search for the first 2.9 watt hours requires electricity, the latter only requires 0.3 watt hours. Combating the environmental impact of the AI ​​infrastructure will be a defining challenge in the coming years that requires innovation and responsible resource management.

The pressure is now switched on for AI-controlled organizations and governments in order to take into account the environmental impact and at the same time promote innovation. How can British sustainability strengthen the sustainability of the data center in Great Britain in this calculation -intensive future?