China Construction Industry Databook 2025 – China's urban development accelerated: smart cities, AI -controlled projects and green infrastructure

China Construction Industry Databook 2025 - China's urban development accelerated: smart cities, AI -controlled projects and green infrastructure
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The Chinese hardware store will grow by 7.4% in 2025 and expanded by 12.22 trillion CNY by 12.22 trillion CNY by 2029. The sector is powered by intelligent cities, AI-driven infrastructures and sustainable development as well as sustainable development and sustainable development. Residential, commercial and institutional developments dominate, while Green Building Initiative, Digital Construction and Automation redesign the industry. The challenges include increasing costs, regulatory hurdles and market uncertainties. The report contains more than 40 market segment analyzes, urban building trends and knowledge of the cost structure.

Dublin, March 20, 2025 (Globe Newswire) – The “China Construction Industry DataBook – Market Size & Volume, 40 market segments in residential buildings, commercial, industrial, institutional, infrastructure constructions, construction of the city level according to value and construction cost structure, Q1 2025” was set. Offer.

The hardware store in China recorded robust growth by 2020-2024 and reached a CAGR of 8.6%. This upward railway is expected to continue, with the market forecast in 2025-2029 growing on a CAGR of 5.8%. By the end of 2029, China's construction sector is expected to be extended from 8.50 trillion CNY to around 12.22 trillion CNY from 2024.

This report contains a detailed data-centered analysis of the construction sector in China, which offers a comprehensive overview of market opportunities in the construction and infrastructure construction industry at the country level. With over 100 KPIs, which cover the growth dynamics in the construction and infrastructure construction, the analysis of the construction cost structure and the analysis of the key cities in the country, this database offers a wealth of data-centered analysis with diagrams and tables to ensure that the stakeholders are fully informed.

It offers a comprehensive analysis of market dynamics in the construction sector about a number of KPIs such as value, volume and number of units. The Baubau covers a detailed segmentation over 30 segments in residential, commercial, industrial and institutional sectors.

Important knowledge

China residential building industry

The construction sector in China is still strongly influenced by government policy, which supports affordable living space and the renewal of the cities. Sustainable construction and technological progress shape the future of the industry, although developers have to fight with regulatory restrictions, falling sales and increasing costs.

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