March is the national month of the conductor security – rental management media group

March is the national month of the conductor security - rental management media group

National Head of Security MonthNational Department Security Month, observed in March and led by the American Ladder Institute (Ali)it strives to raise awareness of the security of the ladder and to reduce the number of injuries and deaths in connection with the head.

Every year, more than 100 people die in connection with the conductor and thousands, according to Ali, suffer a disability of injuries. The organization said that it was of the opinion that conductor accidents with thorough security planning, training and continuous innovation can be avoided in product design.

“The more people, organizations and companies are committed, the wider the message, and the more people get to know each other about the correct security of the leaders,” said the organization in the promotion of the national month of the Ladder Safety.

Access to Head of Security Resources and Find out more about the national Month here.

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