March 21, 2025
The report contains new survey data about what New Yorkers want in public spaces.
Recommendations to make public spaces more accessible to families, case studies
Illustrate real improvements in public spaces in New York City
Guidelines that serve as a valuable resource for urban authorities,
Partner of the private sector, urban planner and more
NEW YORK -The New York Mayor Eric Adams and the New York Public Design Commission (PDC), Sreoshy Banerjea, published “Setting up a family -friendly city: draft guidelines for a more secure, viable public area”, a comprehensive report, the best practice for the creation of safe, accessible and negative public areas for children and older orders Has children and older orders for children and the elderly. The report contains specific steps from the planning process to ongoing maintenance to build public spaces to the city that support a wide range of families. The report also contains case studies that illustrate these guidelines in practice throughout New York City. The construction of a family -friendly city report also contains survey data from almost 8,000 respondents who show what New Yorkers appreciate in their public spaces. The report, which fulfills another commitment of Mayor Adams “Women Forward NYC: an action plan for the gender equity equity initiative” to take steps to fulfill the ambitious goal of making New York the most women in the United States, should serve as resource agencies, satisfaction partners, city planners and all citizens Citizens who design more family -friendly public spaces.
“Our administration is obliged to make New York City the best place to start a family, and that also includes creating the best public spaces for your family,” said, “said,” said, “said,” said, ” Mayor Adams. “With this report, we outline some of the best practices to ensure that our public spaces raise families of all kinds. In the end, this report should not sit on a shelf or remain deeply buried on a government website. The next generation of public spaces should not only inform in New York, but in cities around the world.”
“At the public design commission, we recognize that the way we plan and design our public area directly influences the family experiences in our city” PDC Executive Director Banerjea. “With more than 20 city authorities, we have developed guidelines that transform the feedback from the community into practical design -best practices, prioritize the security, accessibility and integration for New York of all ages. We invite designers, agencies and community partners to use these guidelines while shaping the next generation of public spaces in our city.”
“A really family -friendly city begins with public spaces that are safe, accessible and inviting. These guidelines offer a clear roadmap to ensure that our streets, places and parks serve the needs of children, parents, older adults and caregivers,” said, “said,” said, “said,” said, ” Chief Public Realm Officer Ya-Tot Liu. “Through the cooperation and commitment of our city authorities and partners, we create a more lively, more integrative and family-friendly New York New York-Eine, which promotes the connection, inspires the game and brings joy for the coming generations.”
In order to inform Best Practices and to hear from people about what they appreciate in their public spaces, the Adams government interviewed almost 8,000 New York last year. The survey results showed that security, cleanliness and location were the most important factors for New Yorkers to determine when they should spend time in a public space. The survey results also showed that New Yorkers are satisfied with many aspects of the city's public area. A total of 79 percent of those surveyed stated that they were satisfied with their proximity to a park, 68 percent of the respondents were satisfied with the accessibility of the public spaces, and 71 percent of the respondents with children under the age of five were satisfied with the availability of rooms for small children. In addition, the survey showed that only 40 percent of New Yorkers were satisfied with the availability of toilets in public spaces. The Adams administration started last year “You're lucky“The new efforts to build 46 new toilets and 36 existing toilets in the city as well as the introduction of a Google Maps level with which New York can find any public toilet available in the city.

The survey results showed that New Yorkers were largely satisfied with the public area of the city. including the proximity to a park, availability of rooms for small children to play and Overall availability of amenities.
Source: Mayor's Bureau for Creative Communication.
Building on these survey results, the report contains Best Practices for the establishment of family -friendly public rooms in three important sections. First of all, the report encourages designers to ensure that public spaces are one and inviting by looking for community input from a diverse group of stakeholders, designing rooms for users with several generations and ensuring that the rooms are securely and well lit. Second, the report calls for designers to increase the accessibility by designing rooms to support users of all skills and easy to make it. Finally, the report emphasizes the importance of planning for the future by ensuring that public spaces are sustainable, fair and adaptable. The report offers dozens of concrete strategies in all three pillars to bring these principles to life. In order to present these principles in action, the report in Luther Gulick Park in Manhattan, Callahan Kelly Playground in Brooklyn and the Pollinator Port Project describes in the entire city.
Originally announced by Mayor Adams in his speech of 2024 State of the City, the Forward NYC is invested in 43 million US dollars to make New York City a national leader for gender -specific equity, including the expansive New York of transgender and gender -specific. The action plan supports through city dollars, private and public partnerships, academic institutions and granting finance dozens of initiative-imposed new guidelines to support a family-friendly design in the public sector to improve security and accessibility in order to fulfill the ambitious goal of making New York the biggest women in the United States.
The Adams Administration has prioritized that it builds safe, accessible public spaces for families. The Adams administration has created over 85 soccer fields of new public space since 2022 and has implemented a record amount of newly pedestrianized areas since the office. In 2024, he ended with almost 500,000 square meters of new space, curb and citizen climbing extensions, pedestrian security islands and traffic threads. In order to maintain families and city pools and beaches, the Adams government hired 930 lifeguards last year alone, a historical investment of 1 billion US dollars in city pools announced and expanded the free swimming courses in New York City to reach almost 18,000 young people. In his fourth address of the city of the city, Mayor Adams announced that New York City will open more schoolyards in the summer, after school, in underserved districts and on weekends, to take another 20,000 people within a 10-minute walk of a park. In order to keep the New York parks cleaner, Mayor Adams announced that New York City will give a second cleaning layer for 100 new hotspots in 64 parks all over the city to ensure that they are cleaned every afternoon between Thursday and Monday. As part of the second layer, the New York department for parks and recreational staff will keep the toilets open on average on average for another two hours a day, five days a week. This investment is based on the 62 parks, which at the beginning of this year received a second cleaning shift as part of the budget of the 2025 financial year and enable more families to enjoy safe, clean, accessible parks.