Osha examinations compete in the death of the Ellipsis worker

Osha examinations compete in the death of the Ellipsis worker

The professional and health administration has completed its investigation into the death of the employee Kathleen Galloway-Menke on May 8th. The house of the youth group serves some of the most disturbing teenagers in the state and is a non-profit organization 501 (c) 3rd Galloway-Menke suffered a head injury after being pushed by a teenager at home, the report quotes. She died days later in a local hospital. The teenager, Jovahn Mathis, was charged by the Johnston police for the second degree. The first quote is due to a violation of the law of Iowa to “provide a place of employment that is free of recognized dangers that lead to death or serious physical damage …”; The second quote is a violation of the general requirements for providing protective equipment. The third refers to bloodborm pathogens. Each violation contains a penalty of $ 12,500 for a total of 37,500 US dollars. In a statement, Ellipsis told KCCI: “All reductions are complete and all current fines were paid.” KCCI also turned to the family of Galloway-Menke. “We are pleased to see that Osha officially recognized what we have not taken any suitable measures to ensure the security of KT. Should appear on April 4th to be guilty in the context of a plea contract. The lawyer of Polk County, Kimberly Graham, also gave a statement: “My heart goes to the family of Kathleen Galloway-Menke. This tragedy should never have taken place. The defendant's case is in the adult court. When he turns 18, a judge will be the appropriate punishment for the accused about the term in the boys who are rounded in the boys about the Mady-Jungen-State-State training. Case and the options that we carefully and carefully considered. KCCI examined: After the death of an employee, Ellipsis CEO dealt for security concerns. App to get updates on the go: Apple | Google Play

The professional and health administration has completed its investigation into the death of the employee Kathleen Galloway-Menke on May 8th.

Osha quotes three violations, two are serious.

The house of the youth group serves some of the most troubling teenagers in the state and is a non -profit organization 501 (c) 3.

Galloway-Menke suffered a head injury after being pushed by a teenager at home, the report quotes. She died days later in a local hospital. The teenager Jovahn Mathis was charged by the Johnston police for the second degree murder.

The first quote is a violation of the law of IOWA in order to provide “a place of employment that is free of recognized dangers that lead to death or serious physical damage …”; The second quote is a violation of the general requirements for providing protective equipment. The third refers to bloodborm pathogens.

Each violation contains a penalty of $ 12,500 for a total of 37,500 US dollars.

In a statement, Ellipsis told KCCI: “All reductions are complete and all current fines were paid.”

KCCI also turned to the family of Galloway-Menke.

“We are pleased to see that Osha officially recognizes what we all know-how did not take any suitable measures to ensure KT's security.

Mathis is said to appear in court on April 4 to civil about a plea. Galloway menes daughters say that they are frustrated with the plea deal and believe that the indictment for murder's second degree should have remained in place.

The lawyer of Polk County Kimberly Graham also gave KCCI an explanation:

“My heart goes to the family of Kathleen Galloway-Menke. This tragedy should never have taken place. The defendant's case is in front of an adult court. When he turns 18, a judge will determine the corresponding sentence for the accused, about his current term of office in the Iowa Boys State Training School. Decisions that we believe will create the longest time of accounting.

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