The Palmas Park in San Fernando de la Buenavista is a high-end use that offers a mixture of office space and residential units in three 12-story towers and is part of the Buenavista Business Park. The complex has 88 1-2 bedroom apartment units (32-70 m²), 20 studio apartments (70 m2) on the upper floors, retail areas on the ground floor (700 m²) for restaurants and retail stores, terraces on the roof and a two-story parking garage below the class. The amenities include co-working rooms, a fitness fitness studio, a yoga studio, a swimming pool and deck, bars, grill and cooking areas, micro-cinema, wine cellar and laundry room.
“The Buenavista Business Park Complex is one of the most important trading centers in the northern zone of the Gran Buenos Aires Metropolitan Zone with more than 60,000 m2 office space as well as a variety of municipal services, schools, shopping centers and supermarkets,” explains Ariel StipelmanCountry Manager of Penetron Argentina. “The Palmas Park project was the last part of Business Park, which is now complete.”
Due to the proximity to the Río de la Plata estuary and the type of swampy area, the groundwater levels on the construction site of the project on the construction site of the project on the first excavations required a robust concrete sealing solution for the basics.
“The local Penetron team consulted the general contractor in order to provide a comprehensive water -sealing solution,” added Ariel Stipelman. “We also worked with an approved provider to ensure the proper use of the PenRON system products, especially for the parking garage below the class.”
Specification of the Penron System Comprised Penetron Admix, A Crystalline Waterproofing Admixture, Added to the Concrete Mix for the Foundation Structures, Penebar SW-55 Type A Swellable Waterstop Strips to Permanently Seal the Construction Joints, And A Topical Application of Penecrete Mortar, A Crystalline Repair Grout, and Penetron, A Topical Crystalline Waterproofing Material, to Seal All Tie Hole in the Concrete Walls.
As soon as the active ingredients in the PenRON system products are exposed to moisture, create a non-soluble crystalline formation in the concrete pores and capillary stracts, which permanently seals microreters, pores and capillaries against the penetration of water or liquids from any direction. This formation offers long -term protection for concrete from worsening, even under the moist environmental conditions on the construction site of San Fernando de la Buenavista.
“Thanks to the continuous self-healing skills of the Penron system, all hair cracks in the concrete are automatically sealed during the lifespan of the concrete,” says Ariel Stipelman. “This eliminates the need for future concrete maintenance or repairs.”
The PenRON group is a leading manufacturer of special construction products for concrete sealing, concrete repairs and floor preparation systems. The group works via a global network and offers the design and building community through its regional offices, representatives and sales channels.
Further information on Penron Water sealing solutions can be found under Penetron (DOT) COM or Facebook (DOT) COM/Thepentongrongroup, E-Mail CRDEPT (AT) Penetron (DOT) COM, or contact the Department of Corporate Relationships under 631-941-9700.
Media contact
Company relationships, The Penron Group, 631-941-9700, [email protected]
Sourage the penetron group