From the President of the United States
The authority, which has interrupted me as president through the constitution and the laws of the United States, including § 232 of the trade expansion Act of 1962 in the changed version (19 USC 1862) (trading law), is hereby ordered:
Section 1. Directive. The wooden product industry consisting of wood, wood and their derivative products (e.g. paper products, furniture and cupboards) is a critical production industry that is of essential importance for national security, economic strength and industrial resistance of the United States. This industry plays an important role in important downstream civilian industries, including the building.
The United States faces significant weaknesses in the wood supply chain made of imported wood, wood and their derivative products that are unloaded on the US market.
The United States have plenty of wood resources. The United States's current softwood industry has the practical production capacity to deliver 95 percent of the 2024 soft wood consumption of the United States. The United States has been a net importer of wood since 2016.
Wood products are an essential contribution that is used by the civilian construction industry and the military. Every year the US military spends over $ 10 billion for construction. The military also invests in innovative building materials technology, including processes for creating innovative wood products such as the cross -laminated wood. The procurement of these building materials depends on a strong domestic wood industry and a manufacturing basis, which can satisfy both military -specific and wider civil needs.
It is the policies of the United States to ensure reliable, safe and resilient domestic offers made of wood, wood and their derivative products. Unfair subsidies and support of foreign government for foreign wood, wood and their derivative products require measures under Section 232 of the Commerce Administrator Act to determine whether the imports of these products impair national security.
Sec. 2. Investigation. (a) The Minister of Commerce introduces an investigation in accordance with Section 232 of the Commercial Experience Act in order to determine the effects on national security of wood, wood and derivative products.
(b) When carrying out the investigation described in the sub -section (a) of this section, the Minister of Commerce evaluates the factors that were referred to in 19 USC 1862 (D) by the name “Domestic Production for National Defense”. Effects of foreign competition on the economic well -being of domestic industries ”as well as other relevant factors, including:
(i) the current and predicted demand for wood and wood in the United States;
(ii) the extent to which the domestic production of wood and wood can meet in domestic demand;
(iii) the role of foreign offer chains, especially the great exporters, in combating wood and wood demand in the USA;
(IV) The effects of subsidies for foreign government and predatory trade practices on the wood, wood and derivative product industrial competition on the competitiveness of the USA;
(v) to increase the feasibility to increase domestic wood and sneaking capacities to reduce imports; And
(VI) The effects of current trade policy on domestic wood, wood and derivative product production as well as the additional measures, including tariffs or odds, are necessary to protect national security.
Sec. 3 .. required measures. (a) The Minister of Commerce consults the Minister of Defense and the heads of other relevant executive departments and agencies that were determined by the Minister of Commerce to evaluate the national security risks associated with the import of wood, wood and their derivative products.
(b) Later than 270 days after the date of this order, the Minister of Commerce provides the President a report that contains:
(i) Findings as to whether the imports of wood, wood and their derivative products threaten national security;
(ii) recommendations for measures to reduce such threats, including potential tariffs, export controls or incentives to increase domestic production; And
(iii) Political recommendations to strengthen the wood and cutting wood supply chain of the United States through strategic investments and permission of reforms.
Sec. 4. Definitions. As used in this order:
(a) The term “wood” refers to wood that has not been processed.
(b) The term “wood” refers to wood that was processed, including wood, which has been ground and cut into boards or boards.
Sec. 5. General provisions. (a) Nothing in this order must be affected or influenced in any other way:
(i) the legally to an executive department or agency of its legally required authority; or
(II) The functions of the Director of the Office for Management and Household with regard to budget, administrative or legislative proposals.
(b) This arrangement is in accordance with the applicable law and is subject to the availability of funds.
(c) This arrangement is not intended and does not create a right or benefit, in terms of content or procedure, through a party against the United States, their departments, agencies or companies, its managers, employees or agents or another person.
The white house,
March 1, 2025.